On Friday, November 6, 2020, The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council and the Tribal Election Board jointly announced the Name Change Referendum scheduled for Saturday, November 14, 2020 would be postponed. The decision to postpone the referendum was due to the outbreak of COVID-19 cases in the Akwesasne community. The Election Board re-evaluated the situation at a meeting held on Friday, November 13, 2020 and made the difficult decision to cancel in-home and in-person voting, but to proceed with Absentee Voting.
The Election Board will be hosting the Name Change Referendum via Absentee Ballots only. The new date is December 9, 2020 for counting only at the Ionkwakiohkwaró:ron Tribal Administration Building.
Community members are encouraged to contact the Tribal Clerk’s office at 518-358-2272 to request an Absentee ballot. The deadline to request a ballot will be by 12pm, Tuesday, December 1, 2020.
All ballots must be received to the Election Board by 12:00 pm, December 9, 2020. The Election Board will count the ballots beginning at 5:00 pm and results will be released to the public via social media and SRMT Website afterward. Ballots can be mailed back or dropped off at the secure ballot box at the Tribal Administration Building. Absentee ballots that are already received shall be securely held and counted on December 9, 2020.
For more information on Referendum special procedures, and updated special procedures please visit the Election Board page on the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s website, at www.srmt-nsn.gov/government/co..., to download the Election and Referendum Ordinance and the Election Board’s Special Procedures and Updated Procedures for the Referendum.
To verify your eligibility to vote, request an absentee ballot, or for questions or concerns regarding the eligible voter’s list, please contact the Tribal Clerk’s Office at (518) 358-2272.