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SRMT Election Board Overturns Unofficial Results of Tribal Chief Election

On June 5, 2021, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Election Board conducted the Annual Election for the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe pursuant to the terms of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Election and Referendum Ordinance (the “Election Ordinance”). Following the voting exercise and release of the unofficial results, appeals were filed by Tribal Members in accordance with the Election Ordinance.

The Election Board convened on June 9, 2021, to consider appeals received by that date, and determined to hold a hearing. The hearing was conducted virtually on June 14, 2021, and a decision was made following the hearing.

The basis of the appeal that was heard included that the Election Board erred in ruling on the validity of multiple ballots and that this error may have changed the result of the election.

After careful consideration and reviewing past records of decisions of the Election Board, the testimony presented by the appellant during the hearing, the testimony provided by a witness during the hearing – the Election Board hearing panel made a determination that the concerns raised in the appeal and hearing are legitimate and with merit.

Based on the Election Board’s decision, they will call for a Special Election in accordance with the Election Ordinance, including setting a time for another Caucus to be called only for the position of Tribal Chief. A notice to the community will be released once the dates have been set.

There are currently outstanding appeals that need to be resolved prior to the certification of the results. However, since none of those appeals affected either the Sub-Chief or Tribal Clerk position, those results from the June 5, 2021, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Election will be certified once all outstanding appeals are resolved.

The Election Board plans to adopt counting procedures consistent with the Election Ordinance that will provide consistent direction, guidance, and ballot management for future elections and referendums. These procedures will form part of the Election Board’s by-laws in accordance with the Election Ordinance.

To protect the best interests of the community and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, the Election Board is hereby releasing the report and decision of the appeal filed June 9, 2021.

06162021 Srmt Election Board Appeal Decision Report 2021
