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SRMT Health Services Reports 45.6% Vaccination Rate

AKWESASNE — The Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services reports a vaccination rate of 45.6% for eligible residents ages 12-years or older under the Tribe’s jurisdiction. The tribal rate continues to fall behind Franklin County’s rate of 59.3% of eligible residents who are completely vaccinated and 56.8% for St. Lawrence County (based on data from CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker as of July 28, 2021).

In response to the low vaccination rate, SRMT Medical Director Dr. Benson Kelly shared, “Our healthcare workers cannot stress enough the need for everyone to take their own personal health and safety seriously. Having less than 50% of our people protected is nothing to be proud about and many of our residents remain susceptible to contracting the more transmissible and dangerous variants.”

As of July 29th, Health Services reports that 7,440 total vaccinations have been administered, with 58 conducted during the past week. This includes 3,843 Primes, or first doses, provided to individuals of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. Additionally; 3,597 Boosters; or second doses, have been provided at the Wednesday Walk-in Vaccine Clinic or during scheduled medical appointments.

Individuals ages 18 years or older were the largest age group to get vaccinated this week, with 47 people receiving 26 Primes and 21 Booster shots. This was followed by 12 to 15-year olds at 6 vaccinations: 3 Primes and 3 Boosters. Only five (5) 16 and 17-year olds were vaccinated, which was divided at 2 Primes and 3 Boosters. The data shows that the youngest community members remain the most vulnerable.


Open Walk-In Vaccine Clinics are being held every Wednesday, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the former-IGA Building located at 850 State Route 37 in Akwesasne. All individuals ages 12 years or older can attend, but keep in mind that minors require a parent to be present.

Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services also announced individuals can receive a COVID-19 vaccination during their normally scheduled medical appointment. Please let your health care provider know you are interested in being vaccinated during the time of your appointment.

If you have any questions about vaccine clinics being conducted by Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services please call (518) 333-0230. To schedule a vaccination appointment, please call (518) 358-3141.
