Tribal officials and National Grid officials met Tuesday, April 26, 2011 to discuss collection of overdue residential accounts. The Tribe’s position is that National Grid has created this situation by not following its own policies regarding overdue bills and collections. National Grid has provided no explanation of why it did not follow normal collection procedures.
Customers who have unpaid balances on their electrical bills must work with National Grid on an individual basis in order to keep their electricity from being shut off or to get it restored. Eventually National Grid may begin electrical shut-offs to residential properties with unpaid balances, but has agreed that no residential field collections will take place until July. National Grid has provided assurances that they would not be shutting off anyone with a documented medical or emergency condition.
The Tribal Council also feels that National Grid should give consideration to residential customers for the amounts of unpaid balances in recognition of National Grid’s role in allowing this situation to deteriorate to this point. National Grid agreed to provide outreach personnel one evening and the following day to enable community members to have direct access for purposes of resolving their particular situation. The dates and location of meetings with National Grid outreach personnel are yet to be decided and will be announced to the community in the monthly tribal newsletter in June.
For more information: David T. Staddon, Director Public Information Office, Tel: 518-358-2272 ext. 286