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Tribe’s EOC Reports 4 New COVID-19 Cases: 18 Total Active

AKWESASNE — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is reporting four (4) new cases of COVID-19 today — making eighteen (18) total active cases under the Tribe’s jurisdiction. One (1) community member has recovered however, one (1) relative was hospitalized due to symptoms. There are 26 family members and friends quarantining at home to prevent further spread. We wish them all a safe and complication-free recovery.

Through contact tracing, the majority of the 17 new cases reported this week are attributed to gatherings taking place with individuals outside of immediate household bubbles. It is for this reason that we urge everyone to please remain vigilant and avoid uncontrolled gatherings where there are no safety measures.

With vaccinations being scheduled, there is a light at the end of this unprecedented event, but we must all do our own part to ensure we make it through together. Along the way, please be kind, compassionate, and understanding of everyone who is continuing to be impacted by the virus.


For those who have received quarantine orders or suspect direct contact with a positive case; please remain at home and do not travel in the community. For those who suspect they’ve been exposed to a positive case and are awaiting notification, please self-quarantine and monitor yourself for early symptoms: such as diarrhea, fever, cough, tiredness, or possible loss of taste or smell. If you are displaying symptoms, please contact your health care provider immediately. For any questions about quarantining, please call Theresa Gardner or Lynne Thompson at (518) 358-3141.


The next vaccination clinic will take place on Thursday, February 25th by appointment-only for enrolled tribal members (40-years old or more) living in Akwesasne’s southern portion or within the Tribe’s 15-mile radius in the United States. Those who have been diagnosed with diabetes are highly encouraged to call and schedule an appointment, as well as non-members who reside in an eligible person’s tribal household. To pre-register, please call (518) 333-0230. Do not assume you are scheduled until you talk to someone directly. (Individuals awaiting COVID-19 test results cannot receive the vaccine.)


The next COVID-19 community drive-thru test collection will resume on Tuesday, February 23rd at the former-IGA Building beginning at 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., or while test supplies last. Additional test dates will be held each Tuesday in March 2021 (March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30). Akwesasne residents and employees can also schedule a test by contacting Mountain Medical Urgent Care in Malone at (518) 521-3322 or their facility in Massena at (315) 705-0700.

As a reminder, individuals should only get a PCR Test if they have been outside of their immediate household bubble or not following protective measures. There is no need to get tested weekly if you have been complaint with safety protocols and stayed in your immediate bubble. The PCR tests are free however, requests to receive a Rapid Test from our mass test providers is at the individual’s expense.

If you have a non-emergency matter, please call the Emergency Operations Center at (518) 320-0019; Monday-Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
