Akwesasne Leadership to Support Parliament Hill Rally

Jan 26, 2013

On January 25, 2013 the leadership of Akwesasne met to discuss events planned for this coming Monday, January 28, 2013 which has been deemed a “National Day of Action” by Idle No More organizers. The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs do not – at this time - endorse any local rally or activity that could result in the closure of the Three Nations Bridge Crossing.

While the leadership does support the Idle No More movement, activities which could result in a bridge closure must be planned well enough in advance for community members to make necessary arrangements. Additionally, emergency services must have adequate time to prepare for any potential disruptions that could result from a rally.

Rather than encouraging community members to plan a local rally this Monday, the Akwesasne leadership is instead sponsoring bus transportation to Ottawa on Monday morning where Idle No More organizers have planned for a larger rally to take place on Parliament Hill.

“That’s what we’re going to support,” said MCA Grand Chief Mike Kanentakeron Mitchell. “There may very well be a need for the community to rally together in Akwesasne in the coming months, but this Monday is not the time. We are encouraging interested community members to join the rally in Ottawa to show their support in a unified approach there.”

Recent events in Ottawa relating to the Idle No More movement have resulted in a meeting between Assembly of First Nations chiefs and Prime Minister Stephen Harper on January 11. The chiefs presented the Prime Minister with eight points outlining the concerns of First Nations in relation to the Idle No More movement and omnibus Bill C-45. The Prime Minister has agreed to review the eight points. Since the January 11 meeting, Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat Nation has ended her hunger strike.

Community members who wish to reserve a bus seat to Ottawa please contact Dwayne Thomas by phone at 613-551-4501 or by email at dwayne.thomas@ambe.ca. The bus(es) will depart IGA at approximately 8:30 a.m. and return at 5:00 p.m.

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For more information contact:

Shannon Burns, Communications Manager, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne 613-575-2341 Ext. 2210

David Staddon, Public Information Director, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, 518-358-2272 Ext. 286

Beulah Hill, Office Administrator, Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, 518-358-3381