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Broadband Providers Present Options to Akwesasne Community

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe hosted an informational session for community members on Thursday, January 23, 2014 to kick-off the broadband services rollout. More than one hundred residents packed the Community Building lobby to receive an update on the status of the project and services that are now available in the community. The Broadband Team introduced two service providers the Tribe has contracted with, Flint Communications and Wideband Networks. Both gave excellent presentations to the community about their company history, quality and the services they provide.

Chief Ron LaFrance welcomed a crowd of over one hundred community members, introduced the Broadband Team and the two service providers. Flint Communications has been operational for five years, and is led by Loran Thompson. Wideband Networks is led by David Suarez who brings thirty years of experience providing services over fiber based networks, and owns several telecom companies throughout the United States.

The Broadband Initiative Project began in 2009 after (American Recovery Reinvestment Act Broadband Initiative Program or in short BIP) grant was awarded through USDA Rural utility Broadband division. The design phase and execution has been an ongoing project. Brenna Susice, Project Manager, extends her appreciation to “everyone who helped make the grant possible, especially Tribal Council, the community who supported our team throughout the construction phase and every individual who touched this project.This was a collective effort made possible through a strong determination to succeed and a lot team work.” Brenna would like to recognize two key individuals from USDA’s Rural Utility Services Broadband division (RUS), Rick Gordon, General Field Representative and Kenneth Kuchno, Director of Broadband Division who made it possible for the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Broadband Team to creatively solve both project related and local challenges.

Community members who have been part of the test group are required to select a service provider by the end of the test phase, February 24,2014. The Broadband Team extends their appreciation for their honest feedback throughout the testing phase. “We’ve tested within the community for several months during which time the team has received excellent feedback regarding the quality and speed of voice and data.” states Brenna Susice.

Sub-Chief Shelley Jacobs shares, "As the first to bring fiber optic technology to the area, an advanced technology that wasn't afforded to us until now, we are at the forefront of delivering cutting edge technology and we’re excited about the possibilities the network will bring to Akwesasne. The technology will help promote economic development, employment and educational opportunities."

The Broadband Team provides the fiber and infrastructure to support the network. Both service providers will work in collaboration with the Broadband team to deliver services to Akwesasne. Flint Communications and Wideband Networks each have unique packages and pricing to offer the residents of Akwesasne. Television programming is part of a future phase of the project. To begin service, residents must contact a service provider directly. Residents will always contact their service provider directly for installs, troubleshooting and account inquiries, including payments.

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Broadband Team encourages you to contact both companies directly to determine which company best suits your family’s needs:

  • Flint Communications (518) 358-6006
  • Wideband Networks(518) 333-0231

For further information, please contact the Broadband Initiatives Project at (518) 358-2105.

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For more information contact the Communications Department at 518-358-2272.