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Reminders From SRMT Waste and Wastewater Department

Winterizing your home includes taking steps to protect your water system. Tenants, and Home and Business Owners, can work together to save the longevity of your pipes, tanks and pumps - helping both you and the Wastewater Department.

To assist the Water Department in locating curb boxes, please make sure it is clearly marked. This can be done with wooden stakes or flags. This is especially important in the winter months, as curb box damage by snowplows, snowmobiles, and ATV’s become the owner’s responsibility and could shut off water access for your property.

If you are on the Waste Water Collection system, be sure to locate and mark where your clean out is located.

If you are on an individual septic/leachfield system, with or without a pump chamber, locate and mark where you clean out and septic tank are. In the event you need it to be pumped out by a local pump hauler, this is a homeowner responsibility.

Whether or not you are on an individual collection system, please follow the Do Not Flush instructions. Proper disposal of these substances means you are doing your part to protect our water resources. Thank you for your consideration.

For more information, contact SRMT Water/Wastewater Department at (518) 358-4205 ext. 2703


The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is the duly elected and federally recognized government of the Saint Regis Mohawk People