The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Water Department will be performing fall hydrant flushing starting November 4, 2013 through the end of November. The weekly schedule is as follows:
November 4-8: Waterplant Road to Hogansburg, St. Regis Road. St. Regis River west 37 to Frogtown area.
November 11-15: Rooseveltown Road and Raquette Point. Route 37 east of river to Swamp Road.
November 18-22: Jock Road to Beaver Meadow, Cook Road, River Road, Phillips Road and Drum St. roads.
Please be advised that during hydrant flushing, residents may experience water pressures that are lower than normal while the work is being performed in your area. Hydrant flushing may also temporarily discolor the water and may cause staining of some clothing if you are doing laundry at this time. Please plan accordingly. Also, please use caution when hydrant flushing is occurring and drive slowly to prevent injury to operators.
If community members have any questions, please contact the Water Department at 358-4205 or the Water Treatment Facility at 358-6159. As a reminder, unauthorized use of hydrants is prohibited! If anybody notices unusual use of any hydrant, please contact Tribal Police or the Water Department.