The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council began distributing winter coats and snowsuits on Tuesday December 18, 2012. Members of Tribal Council personally delivered the items to several locations including the Mohawk School, the Freedom School, the seniors’ center and two privately-run day care centers. Tribal Chief Ron LaFrance headed up the project and Tribal Sub-Chiefs Michael Conners and Eric Thompson assisted with the distribution. “Every year at this time, we provide support to the Mountain of Toys Project,” said Chief LaFrance. “Of course, toys are important, but having warm clothing is too. So we decided to support this project in addition to the Mountain of Toys.” The tribe purchased 80 coats for distribution, based on family need.
At all locations the children were excited to see the stylish clothing. “It was a lot of fun to see the kids’ faces light up,” remarked Sub-Chief Conners. “Traditionally, this is the season for giving, but for us every season should be for giving and providing to those most in need in our community.” Many of the adult care-givers also expressed their appreciation for the clothing distribution.
Tribal Council’s Executive Administrative Assistant Ann Bero, Sub-Chief Shelley Jacobs, Tribal Clerk employee Terry Cree and Deputy Tribal Clerk Summer Bero arranged for the purchases. Ann contacted the various schools and centers to determine the distribution, based on the level of the individual children’s needs. Twelve coats were distributed to the Mohawk School, eight to the Freedom School, five to the Seniors’ Center, 20 to the Intensive Prevention Program and 19 to the day care centers. “It took a lot of arranging and team work to make this program go,” commented Sub-Chief Thompson. “We plan on making one last deliver to the tribe’s Head Start and daycare kids later this week along with Salmon River Schools and the Three Sisters Program.” Members of tribal council will again make the final delivery of coats.
For more information contact the Public Information office at 518-358-2272