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Tribe to Provide Fall Heating Assistance Allotment

Program Begins Immediately

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council has approved the distribution of an additional allotment of heating assistance to Tribal members who are already participating in the 2013 tribal fuel assistance program and continue to meet all the criteria. The fall heating assistance will be applied to deliveries from September 16 to November 15, 2013 only.

The fall heating assistance allotment is for Tribal members residing within the jurisdiction of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT), as defined by the Treaty of 1796, and who currently use a licensed vendor or licensed SRMT home heating delivery service. The amount is Four Hundred dollars ($400).

Because this allotment will be distributed to the approved list from the 2013 program, no new applications are available for the fall assistance.

Tribal members should contact their heating supplier to confirm their participation and, if needed, order home heating fuel to be delivered by November 15, 2013. Should individuals have any questions, they may contact the SRMT Compliance Department or Food Distribution offices at (518) 358–2272.

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For more information contact the Public Information Office at 518-358-2272.