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Tribe’s Human Resources Department Donates to Angel Tree

AKWESASNE On Tsiothóhra/December 14th, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Human Resources Department made their annual contribution of children’s toys for this year’s Angel Tree. The Angel Tree is an annual event coordinated by the Tribe’s Social Services Division that collects gifts for children who are in one of their programs: Preventive Services, Foster Care, Child Protective Services, Intensive Preventive Program, Akwesasne Group Home, or the Three Sisters Program. In advance of their donation, Human Resources staff held their Annual Holiday Breakfast Burrito Sale and raised more than $1,300 to purchase toys and bring joy to lots of children this holiday season. Niawen:kówa (Thank you very much) to the Tribe’s Agriculture Program Manager Wally Ransom for donating Mother Earth Eggs and the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort for donating juice, as well as everyone who purchased a burrito or also donated a children’s gift. Pictured above are Human Resource staff (from left): Kiesha Cook, Darcie Cree, Director Stacey Holcomb, Brianna Tarbell, Patricia Herne and Tim Basenfelder (Absent from photo are Margaret Jacobs and Paul Jackson).