Kentenhkó:wa/November 16th in Community Building Lobby
AKWESASNE, NY – In accordance with the Tribal Procedures Act adopted by referendum on June 1, 2013; the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council shall provide financial accountability by holding a presentation and explanation on the annual Tribal budget. Presentation of the 2016 Annual Tribal Budget has been scheduled to take place for the tribal membership at a public meeting to be held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 16, 2015 in the Community Building Lobby.
Following the November 16th presentation, tribal members will have fifteen (15) days to provide their comments and concerns about the 2016 Annual Tribal Budget to the Tribal Council. A second public meeting will be held to respond to any public comments that are received.
Tribal Members are encouraged to attend the November 16th public meeting to receive information regarding the 2016 Annual Tribal Budget.
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Please direct media inquiries to the Communications Department at 518-358-2272.