Callout for Akwesasne Housing Authority Board Commissioner (1)
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is seeking one (1) individual to serve as Commissioner for the Akwesasne Housing Authority (AHA). The Akwesasne Housing Authority is comprised of seven (7) individuals who manage the affairs of the Authority, directly supervise the Executive Director and assist in the development and adoption of policies that govern the Authority operations.
AHA Commissioners are appointed by Tribal Council for staggered terms of one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4) years and receive compensation at a rate of $100/meeting. An AHA Commissioner shall perform all tasks required by the Akwesasne Housing Authority Ordinance, including, but not limited to, the following:
- With respect to any dwellings, accommodations, lands, buildings, or facilities embraced within any project (including individual cooperative or condominium units): To lease or rent, sell, enter into lease-purchase agreements or leases with the option to purchase; to establish and revise rents or required monthly payments; to make rules and regulations concerning the selection of tenants or Homebuyers, including the establishment of priorities, and concerning the occupancy, rental, care and management of housing units; and so to issue further rules and regulations as the Board deem necessary and desirable to effectuate the powers granted by the AHA Ordinance.
- To undertake and carry out studies and analyses of housing needs to prepare housing needs, to execute the same to operate projects and to provide for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension, alteration or repair of any project of and part thereof.
- To terminate any lease or rental agreement or lease-purchase agreement when the tenant or Homebuyer has violated the terms of such agreement, or failed to meet any of its obligations thereunder, or when such termination is otherwise authorized under the provisions of such agreement; and to bring action for eviction against such tenant or Homebuyer.
- To establish income limits for admission that insure that dwelling accommodations in a housing project shall be made available only to persons of low income.
- To employ an executive director, technical and maintenance personnel and such other officers and employees, permanent or temporary, as the Authority may require, and to delegate to such officers and employees such powers or duties as the Board shall deem proper.
Qualifications: To serve on the Akwesasne Housing Authority, individuals must meet the criteria as prescribed below:
- A Commissioner may be a member or non-member of the Tribe.
- No person shall be barred from serving on the Board because he/she is a tenant or Homebuyer in a housing project of the Authority; and such commissioner shall be entitled to fully participate in all meetings concerning matters that affect all of the tenants or Homebuyers, even though such matters affect him/her as well. However, no such commissioner shall be entitled or permitted to participate in or be present at any meeting (except in his/her capacity as a tenant or Homebuyer), or to be counted or treated as a member of the Board, concerning any matter involving his individual rights, obligations or status as a tenant or Homebuyer.
For more information, please contact Cathy Mitchell, Executive Assistant/Board Liaison at 518-358-2272. Applicants must submit letter of interest and current resume to or by mail/in person by September 7, 2020 to:
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
ATTN: Cathy Mitchell
71 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way
Akwesasne, NY 13655.