“Reality Fighting” a mixed martial arts (MMA) event, is scheduled for Saturday August 11, 2012 at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino. This is a sanctioned event with the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Department of Athletic Regulation (SRMT DAR).
Tribal Council Resolution, TCR 2009-057 (The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and Tribal Council Approving Regulations Governing Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts) regulates athletic events such as boxing and other martial arts.
The “Reality Fighting” MMA event will be next to the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino under a large white tent. “We understand that MMA is a rising sport within the country, Akwesasne and surrounding areas were several youth have grown interested. Therefore the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino staff has strived to ensure that the event was one an entire family could attend,” noted Ashley Thompson Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Special Events Coordinator.
These events require safety regulations and inspections to ensure a safe venue for the event. Therefore the SRMT Compliance Inspectors ensure fire safety and building code standards are in compliance with applicable codes. The Compliance Department is also assigned the duties of overseeing the SRMT Boxing and Martial Arts Regulations. These regulations ensure that competitors are competing safely and fairly at such events.
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Department of Athletic Regulations is a participant in the Association of Boxing Commissioners (ABC). The ABC hosts an annual conference to ensure that the newest rules, regulations and safety standards are discussed and implemented in events. The annual conference offers training, key note speakers and other general discussions about boxing and the martial arts industry. “We have committed to the established unified rules and regulations for combative sports to ensure the safety of the fighters and also provide guidance to promoters who also must adhere to the regulations to allow the sport to grow responsibly,” remarked SRMT Compliance Director Elliott Lazore.
For more information contact David T. Staddon, Director of Public Information at 518-358-2272, ext. 286.