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Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Expresses Condolences

Tribal Elder Grace Day Passes

Members of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council send their condolences to the family of Grace Day who passed away on June 3, 2013. She was 103 years of age. “Another one of our Elders is gone and she will be sorely missed,” stated Tribal Chief Randy Hart. “We know that this will be a difficult time for her family. All of our Elders are important to our community, and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe respects and honors its Elders.”

Grace ended her career by working with the tribe’s Head Start Program for 24 years until retiring at the remarkable age of 96. She received several awards for her youth work. “I have known Mrs. Day all of my life and there wasn't a nicer lady,” noted Ron LaFrance, Tribal Chief. “She always had a smile on her face and made the best chocolate chip cookies in Raquette. I offer my sincerest condolences to Jan and Jeff; your mom was a truly remarkable lady.”

She had a large family with children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and numerous great nieces, nephews and cousins. “Community and family ties were important to Grace and she reflected our traditional values in this sense,” said Tribal Chief Paul Thompson. “We can all learn from her fine example of following traditional Mohawk family values.” Grace was well-known throughout the Akwesasne community for her sewing. She also enjoyed traveling, raising pets and reading. The Akwesasne Office for the Aging’s Senior Center will host a celebration of her life to be held on her birthday, Saturday, June 15, 2013 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m.

For more information contact the Public Information Office at 518-358-2272.

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