Lucille Ward, long-time employee of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department, passed away on Saturday July 23, 2011. On behalf of the Akwesasne community, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council expresses its condolences to the family, many relatives, friends and co-workers of Lucy. She will be missed by all.
As per policy and in observance of Lucy’s passing, Tribal programs will be closed on Tuesday July 26, 2011. Lucy’s funeral will be held that same day at 2:00 pm.
Essential services such as the group home, the Individual Residential Assistance Program (IRA), the police station, Partridge House and the solid waste transfer station will remain open. All the tribal programs including health services clinic and pharmacy will be closed tomorrow, so community members are asked to plan accordingly.
For more information, contact David Staddon, Director of Public Information at 518-358-2272 ext. 286.