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Tribe’s EOC Reports 2 New COVID-19 Cases: 49 Total Active

AKWESASNE — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is reporting two (2) new cases of COVID-19 — making 49 total active cases under the Tribe’s jurisdiction. Two (2) community members have resolved however, 39 family members and friends remain in quarantine at home. One (1) more relative was hospitalized — making two (2) community members who are in the hospital recovering from severe symptoms. We wish them both and everyone who continues to be affected by the virus a safe, and complication-free recovery.

The EOC Team is urging everyone to please remain vigilant and stay in your immediate household bubble. Community spread of the virus continues, so we must all do our part to isolate and prevent further infections. We are also asking individuals to practice all safety measures wherever you are; including wearing a mask when visiting family and friends who do not live you, maintain at least six (6) feet distance from others in public, and wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds.

As a reminder, vaccine pre-registration is still open for enrolled tribal members (40-years old or more) living in Akwesasne’s southern portion or within the Tribe’s 15-mile radius in the United States. Those who have been diagnosed with diabetes are highly encouraged to call and schedule an appointment, as well as non-members who reside in an eligible person’s tribal household. To pre-register, please call (518) 333-0230.

If you have a non-emergency matter, please call the Emergency Operations Center at (518) 320-0019; Monday-Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
