AKWESASNE — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Environment Division is pleased to announce that Water Resources Program Manager Tony David has been appointed to the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) International Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence River Board of Control. The two-year appointment was approved by the IJC Commissioners on Tsiothohrkó:wa//January 13, 2017 and is effective from Enníska/February 1, 2017 to Tsiothohrkó:wa/January 31, 2019.
“For nearly 13 years, Tony has been leading projects within the Tribe’s Water Resources Program to improve water quality standards, fish populations and other efforts to protect and rehabilitate our natural environment,” said Tribal Chief Ron LaFrance. “I’m proud that his experience and knowledge is now being enlisted to enhance the environments for river communities that reside all along the St. Lawrence River.”
The Board of Control’s main duty is overseeing the implementation of Plan 2014 to ensure that outflows from Lake Ontario into the St. Lawrence River, including releases from the Moses-Saunders Dam, comply with the requirements of the IJC’s Supplementary Order of Approval (December 8, 2016). The Tribe has been working to negate the environmental impact of regulated water levels and supported implementation of Plan 2014 in partnership with Save the River, American Rivers, Congressional leadership, and the IJC.
“Tony David’s professional expertise and demeanor will prove to be an asset to the International Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence River Board of Control in ensuring compliance with Plan 2014,” remarked Tribal Chief Eric Thompson. “His ability to comprehend and translate the science behind environmental changes has proven invaluable in managing a number of significant water resource projects in collaboration with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, U.S. Geological Survey, and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.”
As the SRMT Water Resources Program Manager, David oversees the Environment Division’s effort to protect and enhance Akwesasne’s water resources; including fish species through a partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science. Since 1999, he has coordinated efforts to reintroduce Atlantic Salmon into the St. Regis River, as well as to improve the natural habitat for Lake Sturgeon and other species.
David also served as project leader for the Tribe’s decommissioning and removal of the Hogansburg Dam in collaboration with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation; which was the first hydroelectric dam to be successfully removed in the State and the first federally licensed dam in the United States to be removed by a Tribe. Removal of the outdated dam opened up 555-miles of stream habitat for fish species and helped restore the St. Regis River to its natural state.
“Being appointed to this international oversight body is a tremendous accomplishment and recognition of Tony David’s passion to apply his education and environmental knowledge for not only the Akwesasne community, but all communities that will benefit from implementation of Plan 2014,” noted Tribal Chief Beverly Cook. “I am proud to know we have talented and caring Mohawk people, such as Tony, who are contributing their skills to a matter that is important for everyone, our environment.”
David will be attending the IJC’s International Lake Ontario - St. Lawrence River Board of Control semi-annual board meeting being held at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Office in Cincinnati, Ohio on Enniskó:wa/March 1, 2017.
PHOTO CAPTION: Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Water Resources Program Manager Tony David was appointed to the IJC’s International Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence River Board of Control that ensures compliance with Plan 2014 that addresses the environmental impact of regulated water levels.
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The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is the duly elected and federally recognized government of the Saint Regis Mohawk People.