Please be advised that while the work is being performed in your area, residents may experience lower water pressures and discoloration of water that can cause staining of laundry. Also, use caution when hydrant flushing is occurring and drive slow to prevent injury to operators. If you have any questions, contact the Water Department at 358-4205 or the Water Treatment Facility at 358-6159.

Tentative agenda is:

April 8 – April 12: Waterplant to St. Regis Road, including all side roads. Okwarine Rd, Frogtown, White Road, Christine lane

April 15- April 18: Raquette Point (including all side roads), McNeil Road, Helena Road

April 22 – April 26: Akwesasne Mohawk casino, Rt 37 east, Tarbell Road to Beaver Meadow Road

April 29 – April 30: Cook Road, Phillips and Drum Street, Hart Road

Sorry, no upcoming events at this time. Please check back later.