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Environment Division Seeking Air Quality Study Participants

Project Will Help Improve Indoor Air Quality

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) Air Quality Program (AQP), within the Environment Division, is looking for community volunteers to participate in a new project called Breathing, Living and Learning in Tribal Communities. This indoor air quality (IAQ) improvement project will help occupants of community homes improve their own indoor air quality by making changes in their habits.

The AQP is looking for 40 homes within the Akwesasne community. An IAQ monitor will be placed in the home for 12 days to monitor the air. A log of activities will also need to be kept. The monitor needs to be plugged into an electrical outlet to work. After the 12 days, the AQP will meet with the homeowners in the home to review the data and conduct an indoor air quality audit. This will allow the homeowner and the AQP to identify some mitigation strategies appropriate for the home. The AQP will also educate the homeowner on safe cleaning practices, green products and safe storage of household chemicals. At the end of the 24-26 days, the monitor will be returned to the SRMT AQP.

All participants will be given a code name for their home to ensure confidentiality.

A web site will be created where homeowners can observe the progress of their home as well as the other participants, receive feedback from the project team and share experiences. The data from the home will be available in hard copy if you wish or the home does not have access to the internet.

Participants will receive a gift related to indoor air quality. For more information or to sign up, call Angela Benedict or Julia Jacobs at the SRMT Environment Division at 518-358-5937.

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