Community & Family Services
- Child Support Enforcement Unit
- Family Support
- HCBS Waiver
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Homeowner's Assistance Fund
- Individual Residential Alternatives (IRA)
- Individual Supports and Services (ISS) - Housing Subsidy Program
- Office of the Family Advocate
- Three Sisters Program
- Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation (TVR)
- Community Partnership Fund
- Economic Development
- Education
- Environment
- Executive Director's Office
- Finance
- Generations Park
- Grants & Contracts
Health Services
- A/CDP Outpatient
- A/CDP Prevention
- Partridge House (Inpatient)
- Ronthahiiohsthá:ke Clubhouse
- Business Office
- Centering Pregnancy
- Dental Clinic
- Health Promotion and Planning
- Laboratory
- Let's Get Healthy - Diabetes Center for Excellence
- Medical Clinic
- Mental Health - Kanikonri:ihne (Good Mind Counseling)
- Outreach Chronic Care Nursing
- Pharmacy
- School-Based Health Center
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Human Resources
- Office for the Aging
- Office of Emergency Management and Safety
- Planning and Infrastructure
- Social Services Division
- Tribal Historic Preservation Office
- Tribal Police
Let’s Get Healthy / Mohawk Healthy Heart
Diabetes Center for Excellence Building
66 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way, Akwesasne
Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(518) 358-9667
Mission: Through individual, family and community services, the Let’s Get Healthy Program is committed to provide excellence in diabetes care and prevention.
The Let’s Get Healthy Program represents two programs established by Special Diabetes Program for Indians federal funding, known as the Diabetes Grant and the Mohawk Healthy Heart Project. Both have similar goals in diabetes care and case management, targeting prevention and reduction of diabetes complications for patients of the Saint Regis Mohawk Health Service health care service community. The Diabetes Grant carries an immense focus in primary diabetes prevention by applying Indian Health Service Best Practices. The Mohawk Healthy Heart Project coordinates with the University of Colorado to collect and analyze participant data in terms of Indian Health Service Standards of Diabetes Care.
Diabetes prevention and care services are developed through individual assessments, education and case management by Diabetes Nurse Educators and Certified Fitness Specialists. Medical Nutrition Therapy is addressed by a Registered Dietitian. Physical activity services encompass individual and group-based fitness classes for youth, adults and seniors. On-going relationships with tribal and non-tribal partners assist to nurture diabetes prevention at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, including diabetes screening events.
Diabetes prevention and care education are supported through a variety of educational tools, media messages, monthly newsletters, mini-workshops, etc.
The Diabetes Center for Excellence is a community tribute to the future health and wellness of Akwesasne. The vision behind the structure was to have a home for specialized services focusing on prevention and diabetes management. The vision of many is now a reality for Akwesasne. Diabetes affects 16 percent of our Mohawks living on the territory, as compared to a state prevalence of eight percent. The Let’s Get Healthy Program offers family-based education programs in fitness, diabetes health, nutrition and prevention.
The 3.6 million dollar building holds a 15,000 square foot footprint in Generations Park, land donated by Margaret Terrance with intent to care for our elders. Generations Park fosters a connection between Akwesashró:non, young and young at heart. The Diabetes Center for Excellence provides space to address diabetes management, including a 2,500 square foot fitness room, a heated floor for yoga, a pool for aquatic exercise, including an assisted lift for easier access and a theatre kitchen. The nutritional support includes both counseling and cooking demonstration space. A relaxation room offers a mind-body connection to teach meditative stress reduction. Stress can be a significant factor in the management of chronic disease.
Please go to http://www.srmt-nsn.gov/publications/C28 to view the latest Let's Get Healthy fitness calendar and newsletter.