Ecological Restoration

The release of hazardous materials has been sufficient to cause loss in ecological services in resources such as sediment, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Adverse effects have been quantified and restoration projects to compensate for these injuries include such actions as wetland enhancement/restoration; streambank enhancements, avian habitat improvements, fisheries habitat improvements, amphibian and reptile enhancements, mammal habitat improvements.

A suite of restoration projects was identified, evaluated and scaled to sufficiently compensate for ecological losses caused by the release of hazardous materials. These projects support self-sustaining populations of native species at all life cycles.

Restoration Projects include the following:

  • Acquisition and restoration of wetlands in target watersheds
  • Avian restoration on St. Lawrence River Islands
  • Streambank habitat enhancement and restoration
  • Fish passage, fish restoration and fish habitat enhancement