
“The purpose of the water quality standards is to facilitate sovereign self-determination and the restoration and preservation of traditional hunting, fishing, gathering and cultural uses in, on and around Tribal Surface Waters. The Environment Division is committed to providing cleaner, safer water for all of creation. These water quality standards will in tum promote the general welfare and well-being of the community by allowing the Tribe and its members to utilize the water for traditional, cultural and ceremonial purposes. Water quality standards are not used to control, and are not invalidated by, natural background phenomena or acts of the Creator.” – Saint Regis Water Quality Standards

In 2007 USEPA approved the Tribe’s water quality standards following an inter-governmental review and public comment period.

The purpose of the Tribe's Water Quality Standards is as follows:

1. Assign designated uses for which Tribal Surface Waters shall be protected;

2. Prescribe and impose water quality standards (narrative and numeric) in order to sustain the designated use of Tribal Surface Waters;

3. Protect against the degradation of Tribal Surface Waters;

4. Promote the social welfare and economic well-being of the Tribe;

5. Promote a holistic watershed approach to management of the Tribal Surface Waters;

6. Provide for the protection of threatened or endangered species and,

7. Protect cultural and ceremonial uses.

Water uses identified by the Water Quality Standards that must be achieved and maintained as required under the Clean Water Act are considered Designated Uses.

The Designated Uses protected by SRMT Water Quality Standards

Domestic water supply

Agricultural or Livestock water supply

Primary contact recreation

Secondary contact recreation

Ceremonial and cultural uses

Medicinal plant collection


Fish and other aquatic life use

Cold water fishery

Warm water fishery

Recreational sportfish consumption

Subsistence fish consumption


Water Quality Standards Regulations: Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe | US EPA

Tribes and Water Quality Standards | US EPA

Standards for Water Body Health | US EPA